Vitus Bikes at the EWS Round Two / Chain Reaction Cycles Emerald Enduro


One year ago Niall Davis ( had a dream to bring the Enduro World Series to Ireland. Understandably as an Irish brand all of us at Vitus Bikes were immensely excited at the prospect of seeing THE world’s best Enduro riders competing on our home soil.

As the EWS train rolled into town – the start of last week didn’t get off to the best of starts as Vitus Bikes Factory Racing rider Dan Wolfe crashed on a training ride dislocating his elbow and sustaining significant bruising to his left arm.

With back to back EWS races in Ireland and Scotland coming up Dan needed to be sure that he would make the right decision so as to safeguard his recovery and not jeopardise having a longer term injury.  By Saturday Dan had decided to give practise of three stages a go. Whilst his elbow wasn’t at full power, with some suspension adjustment, strapping to his arm and on-going treatment that included icing and intense massage it appeared that there may be a chance he could line up for the race.

For the Vitus Bikes team and all of our riders It’s safe to say that race day didn’t disappoint. As we write this quick update we’re still struggling to believe exactly what happened on Irish soil!

“I’m immensely proud of all our riders at the EWS – from Dan Wolfe showing the determination and drive to retain his focus despite significant injury to Killian Callaghan taking 3rd place on the Junior podium and Colin Ross taking a top 30 position to be the first Irishman home after eventual winner Greg Callaghan .. You really can’t ask for more!” Simon Cordner, Brand Manager Vitus Bikes

Colin and Rosco 610

With a large line-up of Vitus riders taking to the Wicklow course our support services were in full swing over the weekend. A strong turnout from the, First Tracks Vitus Enduro Squad and Vitus Factory Racing Team of Colin Ross, Michelle Muldoon and Dale McMullen joined a few other privateers to all ride their Vitus Sommet and Escarpes with pride!


Ride of the weekend has to go to Colin Ross who shocked many of the Pro’s as he rode a consistent race across the seven stages to take 27th place – making him the first Irishman behind of Greg Callaghan (Cube Action Team) who took his first EWS win. (Congratulations Greg!)

KCallaghan 610 / Vitus Bikes Junior Rider Killian Callaghan smashed his way to a 3rd place podium finish – showing immense talent throughout practice and race day. We’re certain that there’s a huge future ahead for Killian .. watch this space!

Dan at 610

Dan Wolfe put his injury behind him to slot into 40th place – a fantastic result given “the week from hell” he has just gone through.

Mich at 610

Michelle Muldoon sadly crashed heavily during the afternoon stages (narrowly avoiding knocking herself out) resulting in her needing medical attention for some suspected broken ribs. Michelle incurred a 10 minute time penalty as a result but did go on to show grit and determination to finish the race in 35th position.

GOB 610

Vitus FirstTracks Enduro Team riders Glyn O’Brien and James McFerran also took top 100 places with 81st and 78th positions respectively. Both riders will now head to the EWS in Tweedlove, Scotland for more action next week!

Dale 610

Vitus R&D Manager Dale McMullan held a solid weekend together to take 136th in the men’s category.

We’re shattered after an AMAZING weekend to say the least. Our thanks to Niall Davis and all the crew for their hard work over the last year to make this event a reality.

Roll on 2016!



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