Matthew wins Irish NPS1

Vitus rider Matthew Adair took part in the first round of the Irish NPS last weekend and took the win in the Junior category.  Check out his report report. 

Vitus rider Matthew Adair took part in the first round of the Irish NPS last weekend and took the win in the Junior category.  Check out his report report.

"This weekend was the first round of the Irish NPS.  I was looking forward to the race after seeing photos and videos of the course which looked good but i was unsure how I would fare having had a cold all week before the race.  During my practice lap I seen the course was nearly all on single track and in dry conditions so i was looking forward to the race

The junior race was started with the main senior race so I got to race against the elites rather than just the juniors.  From the off I got a quick start and lead the field round the start loop and then got a gap of about 5 seconds before the first technical section.  The only other rider to come with me on the first lap was Robin Seymour and we completed the first lap together, but on the climb Seymour pulled away from me and i was riding on my own.  I could feel the cold starting to effect me and as each lap passed the hill became harder and harder.

By this time the second placed elite rider Niall Davis had caught up with me and we stayed together for the rest of the lap until the next hill where he pulled away.  By the end of my 4 laps junior race i was 3rd elite on the course and had won the junior race. Not a bad race for my state of health but hopefully will be feeling better by the next one."

Matthew Adair


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